"Don't wear heels" Jon pleaded Bella; they were getting ready to go out to a BBQ at their friends house. "Oh come on, their so pretty and I havn't worn them yet" Bella said with a pout, "Bella please, your already half an inch taller than me" Jon hated being the shorter than her. Bella rolled her eyes "fine" she said giving in. Jon smiled at her sexily and then kissed her. "I love you" he whispered into her ear, "me too" Bella said puting her hand on his cheek. Jon just looked at her with his mouth open. Bella laughed "i'm kidding baby, i'm kidding! I love you too" she said kissing him. Jon wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down on the bed. Jon lay ontop of her and started kissing her passionatly, "Jon..." Bella said in between kisses, "no...we have to go" Jon growled at her playfully, Bella resisted the tempataion. "Come on" she said trying to get him off of her.
The BBQ was in East Hampton at Jon's very best friend's house, Richie Sambora. They pulled up outside the house, Richie's hummer was parked out front, there was no other car there. They walked around back, Jon had his arm wrapped tightly around Bella's waist. He knew some men would be looking at her (they always did, they would espically look at her today because she was in shorts and a sports bra) Jon wanted to make it clear that she was not single.
"Hey guys smile!" Richie said pointing his canon camera at them. They wrapped their arms around each other and Richie took a photo. "Let us see" Bella said looking at the camera. Richie howe them the picture.

"Can we get a copy of that?" Jon asked, he really thought it was a fantastic picture of them. "Yeah sure man" Richie said turning off the camera. "So anyone else coming?" Jon asked looking around the empty back yard. "Yeah their all inside" Richie said with a crooked grin pointing with his thumb to the house.
Inside there were alot of people. "I thought he said a SMALL bbq?" Bella said looking around at everyone, seeing if she reconized anyone. "This is small sweetie...Richie's got a lot of friend" Jon said lughing. Jon walked over to the bar, pulling Bella by the hand behind him. He got two beers out of the fridge and opened them. He handed one to Bella and kept the other one for himself. Jon leaned up against the bar and pulled Bella into him, she was facing everyone else. Jon started to point out a few people to her telling her about them, incase they came up and started talking to them.
They chatted to diffrent people for a few hours, then everyone went out to the garden. It was dark now, Richie had his back garden lit up with many fairy lights, it looked really nice. Music started, everyone started dancing. Jon went and sat down, "Woah woah woah, come on dance!" Bella said trying to pull him up. Jon kept all his weight down on his seat, "I don't dance" Jon said putting his hands up. "Oh Jon, just pretend your on stage, you can shake your ass around and look sexy" Bella winked at him. Jon thought about it for a moment. "GO ON JON! SHAKE YOUR ASS UP ON THE STAGE!" Richie said pointing to his stage he had up. Jon grabbed Bella and pulled her to where everyone was dancing.
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